Artifact #7 : To My People
Citation : Unknown Artist (1914-1918) To My People, Speech by King George : letter from George R.J. Archives / Collections and Fonds, Library Archives Canada. Accession number: 1983-028 X PIC 01511, Box number: B016/X6
Label : Letters such as this one were used during World War 1 in order to stir up more enlistments. The letter having the Buckingham Palace stamp and written by the King had the direct intention of brewing patriotism among the citizens of the Empire. The constant use of personal pronouns were done very purposefully to make the readers who would mostly be war eligible men and women feel like it was a personal letter to them. It is a seemingly very personal letter from the King that has a lot of emotional language spread throughout to make the reader feel attachment and emotional connection to their leader. These letters from the King would make men feel like it was their duty to their King and their country to fight. The King also makes sure to address everyone equally, he does not only address men of high class but all men, he does not only address the men of his country but the entire empire. He makes sure that the country feels united, and that is how these letters would create enlistment boosts.