Artifact #4 : Come on, Pal ... Enlist!
Eveleigh, H (1939-1945) Come On, Pal … Enlist! Poster. Archives / Collections and Fonds, Library Archives Canada. Accession number: 1977-064 PIC, 00011, Box number: A162/X1
Label : This poster depicts a smiling man, who is seemingly friendly ushering the viewer to come join him. The artist is conveying the importance of friendship. There were many things that factored into what would persuade a soldier to fight but above all else loyalty was the most important. Whether that was loyalty to their country, loyalty to their community, loyalty to their loved ones, and loyalty to friends. People are extremely loyal to their friends and especially during wartime, during the battles there is not much to hang onto outside of a person's loyalty. That is the main idea of what this poster is saying, although very limited in words it speaks loudly to the impact of loyalty and friendship in war. The military understood the importance of friendship so they would do things like this poster to encourage people to sign up with friends. This poster would have also encouraged people to sign up as it would make men think of their friends who were already overseas fighting.