Artifact #6 : Victory Loan 1919
Citation : Unknown Artist (1919) Victory Loan 1919, Canada’s Prosperity. Poster. Archives / Collections and Fonds, Library Archives Canada. Accession number: 00529 1983-028 X PIC, Box number: A145/X4
Label: This poster talks about the Victory Loan in 1919. In order for Canada to be able to pay for the monstrous cost of fighting a world war they implemented this idea of selling war bonds. This was how the country would ensure its future prosperity. By having citizens invest in these ‘Victory Loans’ it brought the nation even closer together as now it was the people directly rebuilding their economy. By emphasizing that Canada’s prosperity rested on the shoulders of the people it was able to create a great sense of patriotism and responsibility among the Canadian population. Posters such as this one were very effective tools of the government to secure financial backing without having to take on any debts to other countries. It was the emotional aspect of these posters that created unity and encouraged the country to rally and invest in their own country's future prosperity and stability.