Artifact #5 : To the Women of Canada, Enlist Today
Unknown Artist (1914-1918) To the Women of Canada, Enlist Today. Poster. Archives / Collections and Fonds, Library Archives Canada. Accession number: 00834 1983-028 X PIC, Box number: A155/X1
Label: This message during World War 1 was part of efforts to get women involved in the enlistment process. This was imperative as Canadian’s voluntary enlistments were fading in 1916 because of how many casualties there were. Many Canadians believe that at the time that Canada had done more than its share already. This poster was used to prey on a woman's morals, with language saying that they are the one’s holding their husbands back, the message insinuating that without them encouraging their husbands to go put their life on the line their husbands would not be happy. A poster like this was meant to guilt men into enlisting was meant to guilt women into forcing their sons and husbands to enlist. This poster like many others was part of an effort to take the war to the homefront and make everyone contribute, this poster would make it feel like even without fighting, if you sent someone to war you were part of the winning side.