Artifact 6: A Uniquely Canadian Patriotism
This page from Robert Donald’s book showcases how Canada was evolving through Borden’s leadership and the sheer development of Canada illustrated this new sense of Canadian patriotism. It discusses the fact that Canada has become an “agricultural and an industrial power” which illustrates the strengthening of the economy in relation to Borden’s government. The fact that Borden nationalized the railways is important in this analysis because it showcases how important it was for Canada to use railways to ship products and military across the country. The page further discusses this by drawing attention to the fact that Canadian patriotism is linked closely with their connection to Britain. This is clearly true in regards to Borden’s leadership as this is what he promoted as Prime Minister: A strong Canadian identity, with more autonomy from Britain, but still very linked to Britain politically, economically, and culturally. This is also why Borden is seen as such an important figurehead of Canadian patriotism since he was one of the first leaders to actually create a patriotism that was uniquely Canadian and pushed to offer Canadians more opportunities similar to those in Britain.
Brown, R. (2015). Sir Robert Borden. In The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved from