Artifact 1: Borden's Fight For Autonomy in The Imperial War Cabinet
This photo is a depiction of all the members of the Imperial War Conference of 1917. The Imperial War Cabinet existed at the same time as the Imperial Conferences and were directly connected. Both of these groups involved Britain and all of its colonies. The Imperial War Cabinet allowed for the Dominions to be more informed and part of the process rather than being ordered to do what Britain wanted. During these meetings, they would discuss many of the decisions regarding The Great War and drastically improve the relationship between all colonies and Britain. Specifically, this photo depicting the Imperial War Conference in 1917 resulted in the passing of Resolution IX; which allowed for a rearrangement of constitutional agreements of British colonies after The Great War ended. This resolution was influenced by Robert Borden and clearly showcases the autonomy Borden fought for during the war. Resolution IX made it so the dominions of the British Empire would be seen as autonomous nations that had their own voice in foreign policy and international relations. This drastically changed the power dynamic within the British Empire because it allowed for the colonies to begin to have more autonomy and be able to make their own decisions without British approval. This clearly illustrates how Borden was a prominent member in the increasing autonomy of Canada and allowed for the Canadian voice to be heard more independently. Although a strong British supporter, it is clear that Borden believed in increased autonomy for Canada and other British colonies. This artefact is of vital importance to the story of Robert Borden and his legacy of creating more Canadian autonomy.
Hillmer, N., & McIntyre, W. (2022). Commonwealth. In The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved from