Robert Borden, the Man Who Shaped Canada Forever
This exhibit is meant to showcase the complex prime-ministership of Robert Borden that lasted from 1911 to 1920. Since his government was in-power from a time spanning from before the Great War to after it, it will be evident that his government made policy and engaged in foreign affairs that would affect Canada for generations to come. This exhibit is meant to showcase the most important decisions and policies that Borden influenced and created, which have left a lasting impact on Canadian society. Prior and during World War One, Canada and other British colonies were essentially extensions of Britain and were therefore immediately brought into the war when Britain declared war. Robert Borden was a loyal supporter of the British and would stand firmly behind Britain throughout the war. Although, to Borden, The Great War was the perfect opportunity to call for more autonomy for British subjects because all colonies were working together for the same goal: to win the war. Robert Borden, showcased through several artefacts in this exhibit, believed it was important for Canada, and other British subjects, to gain more autonomy and decision-making as part of the post-war process. The artefacts illustrated in this exhibit showcase Robert Borden’s resilience and strength in a time of crisis and should illustrate to the viewer the importance of his leadership to the Canadian identity. Through images, speeches, and newspapers, it will be clear that Borden was able to negotiate with other political parties in order to advance the Canadian war effort and to unify all Canadians together in a time of war. Borden was not only able to create strong national pride in Canada, but was also able to further develop the alliance between British subjects which led to progress for all. My exhibit highlights how Borden's prime-ministership was of vital importance to the Canadian legacy, both in his fight for more Canadian autonomy in The Great War and his ability to unite political parties under a time of crisis. This exhibit showcases the strength of Borden's leadership and his resilience in both politics and within the Allies.
Brown, Robert Craig. "Sir Robert Borden." The Canadian Encyclopedia. Historica Canada. Article published February 21, 2008.