Artifact #7
The Ottawa Bureau of The Globe,and Mail. 1969. "Crime Code Revisions Given Second Reading; 15 Tories Back Bill." The Globe and Mail (1936-), Feb 27, 1.
This article talked about how only one Liberal voted against the Omnibus Bill. In favor of passing the Omnibus bill there were 121 Liberals, 15 Conservatives, and all 22 members of the New Democratic Party. This is very important to note because of the highly controversial debate that came along with the discussion of the Omnibus Bill and if this was a bill fit to be a part of the Canadian legislature. The Omnibus Bill held extremely debated issues that brought a lot of public opinion like women’s reproductive rights and same sex relations, these were all considered extremely dangerous topics for politicians to discuss but Pierre Trudeau managed to discuss and pass the Omnibus Bill. This allowed for Pierre Trudeau to gain lots of public traction and attention while also gaining a relationship with many Canadian citizens who felt they were not acknowledged. The Omnibus Bill was a very risky Bill for Trudeau to come forth with but in the long run it helped Canada become a more advanced society.