Artifact #3


Keate, Stuart. “Going Ahead by Backtracking”. July 12, 1968 (page 4 of 90).

  1. The Sun (1959-1973), Jul 12, 1968. 


The Sun published this artical on July 12, 1968 discussing Pierre Trudeau’s Omnibus Bill which discussed a range of topics but the most important aspects of this bill were the LGBTQ+ rights and abortions rights highlighted in this bill. A way this bill was different  from previous political policies was the fact it also clumped lottery and gun laws in with it. This created a tough scene for voting MPs as it created an all or nothing idea with these issues despite how different these topics were. The government felt representing these issues individually would be to time consuming and not worth the struggle but this system failed to acknowledge the different opinions that would not be shared with each issue highlighted in this bill. A major criticism of abortions being apart of the omnibus bill of 1968-1969 was the fact that parliament should not be in the position to enforce its views on this topic onto the public, religion played a major roll in citicism of this bill.