Artifact #4
CBC News. February 21, 1967. "There’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nations."
This article shows a video of Pierre Trudeau talking about the Omnibus Bill on February 21, 1967. Trudeau begins to outline how the new bill brings the laws and policies up to date to the new society of Canada. Society within Canada was constantly becoming more modernized, and Pierre Trudeau felt this bill was able to catch Canada up to the proper spot that it needed to be. Pierre Trudeau mainly discusses individual same-sex relations in this video and that there should be no place in the government telling citizens what they can and can not do in the bedroom, especially having the criminal code get involved in this private matter. This bill is significant in while talking about the LGBTQ+ rights, as it is one of the first times it was publicly acknowledged as a normal thing that should not have rules preventing it from happening in private.