Artifact 1: Mohawk solider and Canadian Armed Forces member face off


Fight for Rights, Oka Crisis 1990,” HIST 261 Post-Confederation Canadian History, accessed November 23, 2024,


This artifact shows one of the main photos of the Oka crisis of 1990. This photo made headlines during 1990 when the Oka Crisis first started. What started as a peaceful blockade to protect their land became a fight against the indigenous people. This photo shows a young solider of the police force and an indigenous solider. The young soldier standing face to face with someone who he has been told is dangerous shows the people how one concept can paint a picture. This photo not only shows the standoff between two people but between two groups fighting for what they believe is right. One is fighting for the right to protect their land against an expansion of a golf course whereas the other is trying to hold peace for everyone. Both people in this photo are fighting to protect the rights of people around Oka. This exhibition will focus on the fight for rights for indigenous people.


Bruin, Tabitha de. “Kanesatake Resistance (Oka Crisis).” The Canadian Encyclopedia, July 11, 2013.


Artifact 1: Mohawk solider and Canadian Armed Forces member face off