Extreme discrimination

Trade, Ministry of International. “Discrimination.” Province of British Columbia, November 24, 2016. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/multiculturalism-anti-racism/chinese-legacy-bc/history/discrimination 

Chinese immigrants faced extreme discrimination when coming to Canada. They first started settling during the gold rush of the 1850s, then again for the creation and building of the CPR, and then again after 1948. During the gold rush and the CPR they were paid unfair wages as compared to white people had poor living conditions and had to pay for their gear, they also had to pay a head tax to even be let into the country. In 1923 the government instituted an exclusion act, making it so that Chinese people hoping to come into the country weren't allowed to for 24 years. It ended in 1948 and during that time the government only let in 15-24 people. The Chinese people living in Canada had to register with the government or face fines and deportation. They even segregated those who were Chinese, such as not allowing them to sit in the lower seats in movie theatres and asking them to sit on the balconies. They even went as far as to not allow them to swim in Victoria's Crystal pools. 

Trade, Ministry of International. “Discrimination.” Province of British Columbia, November 24, 2016. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/multiculturalism-anti-racism/chinese-legacy-bc/history/discrimination 

Parks Canada Agency, Government of Canada. “Exclusion of Chinese Immigrants (1923–1947) National Historic Event.” Parks Canada Agency, Government of Canada, December 5, 2024. https://parks.canada.ca/culture/designation/evenement-event/exclusion-chinois-chinese