Artifact #10: Where Are We Now?


Kall, Rob. #MeTooMovement. 2018. Accessed 2024.


So after all this time where are we now? Women have had many successes due to the women's suffrage movement, such as Indigenous women gaining the right to vote in the 1960s, women in "blue-collared" and male-dominant workspaces, as well as women in government official spaces. With the high also comes the lows. As even with all women have fought for the fight continues. We can see this with the "Me Too Movement" that started in 2018, in which women all around North America were protesting against sexual assault and harassment that they have faced. Even in our present year of 2024, the fight continues with the overturning of Roe-V Wade. With these losses, we must reflect on the strong and reliant women who fought for our rights and our equality. Women will continue to fight and never stop fighting for their basic human autonomy, equality, and rights that they have always deserved.


“Me Too. Movement.” Me Too. Movement, 2 Apr. 2024,