The Italian Campagin
Citation: "A Year for Canucks in Italy Was One of Tough Fighting." The Hamilton Spectator, December 29, 1944. Accessed
Canada had an intense and challenging year of combat from the Adriatic coast to the Gothic Line. The Canadians faced rough terrain, harsh weather, and fierce German resistance, earning respect across the world for their resiliency. While the Canadians suffered thousands of casualties during the Italian Campaign, these sacrifices led to the successful crossing of the Melfa River and triumph in the Battle of Florence. Canadians at home recognized the sacrifices and endurance of their soldiers and saw these military contributions as vital to the war effort. (Nicholson, 1956). By the end of 1944, Canadians had a reputation as a formidable fighting force, and their military contributions made a lasting impact on the world stage.
Nicholson, G. W. L. (1956). The Canadians in Italy, 1943-1945. Queen's Printer, Ottawa. Retrieved from