An Invasion of Amercians

Citation: Boom-Town: Edmonton Invaded by Americans. (1943, Mar 13). The Globe and Mail (1936-)


As Americans needed to get to Alaska, they went through Edmonton and stopped along the way. American companies set up shop in Edmonton, Alberta and began paying their Canadian employees more than the Canadian companies. To protect the local companies, that needed workers, Ottawa intervened and stopped Canadians from being hired by American companies. As the population increased, so did the demand for housing, but not fast enough. Some families lived in basements of homes some being unsuitable dwellings. However, many Americans found love during this time, and marriage was common in Edmonton. People from all over North America meet, settle and contribute to the local economy. This influx of newcomers sparked the growth of local businesses, and Edmonton began to develop a unique, vibrant character. However, the rapid expansion also strained infrastructure, and public services struggled to keep up with the growing demand.