Artifact #3: Quebec Home and School News, “New Era” issue, May 1, 1963
“New Era For Quebec Education”, Quebec Home and School News, May 1, 1963, page 1
This newspaper article published by the Quebec Home and School news, showcases an important part of the Quite Revolution; the modernization and secularization of the education system in Quebec. During this time, the provincial government led by Premier Jean Lesage initiated reforms to remove the Church's control over schools and establish a government run, centralized Ministry of Education to take its place. This new ministry aimed to create a more secular and standardized curriculum which would be better suited to the needs of a modern industrializing society. The reforms also sought to address the inequalities that existed in education by ensuring greater accessibility and unifying the province's school system. By reforming the education, Lesage and his government promoted and paved the path of state led modernization aswell as the reduction of the influence of religion in society in favour of the more secular identity that we associate with Quebec today.
”Quiet Revolution." The Canadian Encyclopedia.