Reading of the FLQ Manifesto

On October 8th, CBC aired a reading of the FLQ’s manifesto on Radio-Canada as a show of good faith with the FLQ, meeting one of their demands for Commissioner Cross’ release from custody. The manifesto outlines the group’s complaints with Canadian society and includes a call to arms for Quebecois to take control of their province. Their chief complaints are the “anglo-saxon capitalists” employing a system in which they can extort and abuse the Quebecois without penalty and props up financial establishments that see rich anglophones reap the rewards for seeds sown by poor, intentionally keeping Quebecois poorer than English Canadians and limiting social mobility for francophones. They also include hatred targeted at the government, who they believe is attempting to assimilate them into the anglophone majority and erase Quebecois culture, fearing new migrants to Quebec will learn French but only use English. In short, the manifesto declares that Quebec is tired of receiving platitudes and minor concessions paired with oppression and advocates for the average Quebecois to organise within their community to pry control of their lives away from the anglophones and form a free state unto itself.

Reading of the FLQ Manifesto