Minister Murdered, Nation Rallies Against Terror

"Out of tragedy spring the seeds of lasting unity," Edmonton Journal, October 20, 1970,

After the federal government invoked the war measures act on October 16th, the FLQ cell that was holding Labour Minister Pierre Laporte murdered him and left his body for officials to find in retaliation for the government not only refusing to meet their demands, but escalating their efforts to find the victims. This collection of editorials from across the nation detail the reactions and opinions of its people, now behind the measures employed by Trudeau’s government and of the mind that the senseless killing of a popular minister did nothing but remove any bit of sympathy the public may have still had for the FLQ and turned public opinion steadfastly against them. Laporte’s murder served only to unite the nation behind the federal government and spelled the beginning of the end for the FLQ as not even the province they were seeking to rally were willing to stand behind them.

Minister Murdered, Nation Rallies Against Terror