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HIST 261 Post-Confederation Canadian History
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Artifact #7: Rejection of Meech Lake Accord would be Personal Failure for PM
← Artifact #6: Elijah Harper and Meech Lake
Artifact #7: Rejection of Meech Lake Accord would be Personal Failure for PM
The Beginning and the End of the Meech Lake Accord
Artifact #1: Native Issues Knockout Meech Lake Accord
Artifact #2: Bilateral Deals Threaten Canada
Artifact #3: Brian Mulroney and Meech Lake
Artifact #4: A Long Day for Canada: On the Death of the Meech Lake Accord.
Artifact #5: Canada's Time Bomb
Artifact #6: Elijah Harper and Meech Lake
Artifact #7: Rejection of Meech Lake Accord would be Personal Failure for PM