Artifact #4: A Long Day for Canada: On the Death of the Meech Lake Accord.
Artifact Citation:
Los Angeles Times. “Media: ‘A Long Day for Canada: On the Death of the Meech Lake Accord.” Online. California: Tribune Publishing Company LLC. 1990. ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times. Accessed November 2024.
Artifact Label:
This interesting editorial artifact, “‘A Long Day for Canada’: On the Death of the Meech Lake Accord.” contains a series of comments from newspapers across Canada on the death of the Meech Lake Accord. This artifact is very special in that it showcases the historical views from people across Canada based on their differing geographic locations. In this case, the reader can clearly see the conflicting perspectives on the death of the Meech Lake accord, and what each newspaper from across the country thought about the future of confederation. It further highlights the fact that due to Canada’s abundant landmass, the way that contentious events such as Meech Lake unfold will be differently noted in history in Alberta than it would be in Quebec or Prince Edward Island.
Bibliography of Secondary Sources:
Simeon, Richard. 1988. “Meech Lake and Shifting Conceptions of Canadian Federalism.” Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques 14. S7–24.