Artifact #6: End to settlement claims surrounding the Michener Centre
Mahoney, Jill. “Alberta Nears Deal on Forced Sterilizations.” ProQuest Historical newspapers. Alberta Bureau, Edmonton: The Globe and Mail, August 24, 1999. “Accessed October 6, 2024.”
After the Leilani Muir case was settled, over 500 individuals affected by the Michener centre also sought lawsuits with the Alberta government. The Globe and Mail newspaper article titled Alberta nears deal on forced sterilization written by Jill Mahony in 1999 walks readers through lawyer perspective Allan Garber on how his representation of some sterilization victims allowed settlement of outstanding sterilization lawsuits, eventually marking the end to numerous sterilization claims. However, Garber argues how this was an uphill battle.
Additionally, readers can note Andrew’s reference to Leilani Muir and how the Muir case sparked a sterilization lawsuit movement for individuals involved in the forced sterilization acts. Through use of this newspaper article, it can be determined that the Muir case allowed for a domino effect for hundreds of victims as well as changes to the current system. This article demonstrates the fault of the Eugenics board and the relationship with the sterilization act and how numerous individuals were subjected to forced sterilization, ultimately providing the prospective on the faults and flaws of the government and the Eugenics board.
Wahlsten, Douglas. “Leilani Muir versus the Philosopher King: Eugenics on Trial in Alberta.” Genetica: An International Journal of Genetics and Evolution 99, no. 2–3 (June 1, 1997): 185–98. doi:10.1007/bf02259522.