Artifact #5: Leilani Muir seeks to Reverse Sterilization
Feschuk, Scott. “Woman tried to reverse sterilization.” Toronto, Ontario: The Globe and Mail, June 14, 1995. ProQuest Historical Newspapers. “Accessed October 7, 2024.” Newspapers
Toronto Globe and Mail Newspaper article titled Woman Tried to Reverse Sterilization published in 1995 by author Scott Feschuk focuses this article on Leilani Muir and her attempt to reverse the sterilization conducted by the Michener Centre. Feschuk’s article focuses on Muir’s court testimony and how she had been originally told she was going for an appendectomy but instead was forced to undergo sterilization of her fallopian tubes. Additionally, this article highlights both Muirs and the governments differing perspective in determining who is of proper IQ and should undergo sterilization, with Muir arguing that her abuse growing up affected her IQ and that it was not a result of being feeble minded.
This article provides evidence on how children were inappropriately selected for sterilization by not being appropriately examined on personal history and gaps in the selection process. While also focusing on the differences between the government selection process and the victim personal perspective. Finally, readers are provided a perspective of the government disagreeing with some of Muir’s claims and how the government provided an unnecessary challenge to the Muir case.
“Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta: Muir v. Alberta,” 1996 CanLII 7287 (AB KB). Retrieved on December 4, 2024.