Artefact 3: Invention of Lacrosse
Citation: World Lacrosse. (n.d.). Origin and history of lacrosse. Retrieved from
This is a picture in 1890, which is a St. Leonards Women’s Lacrosse Team which is believed to be the first girls’ school to have played lacrosse in 1890. Lacrosse was invented by the Indigenous Peoples which had spiritual importance played between different communities to show gratitude to the Creator and to resolve conflicts between them. It was also played for honoured members within the Indian nation like being grateful to an Elder or a medicine person. Before, Lacrosse was called "Baggataway" by the Algonquin and "Tewaarathon" by the Iroquois. Then Early European settlers recognized the game and adopted it, which led to its name “Lacrosse” and becoming popular throughout Canada. Many small community started making their own Lacrosse. team In 1859, Lacrosse became Canada’s National Game. Today, lacrosse is played in every province in Canada and is known as one of the fastest sports on two feet. It is played by many and remains an essential part of Canadian heritage and identity.
World Lacrosse. (n.d.). Origin and history of lacrosse. Retrieved from
Lacrosse Canada. (1995). History of lacrosse. Retrieved from