Artifact 7 Contributions Off the Battlefield

Propaganda was a massive tool in World War One and ranged from images on posters, articles in papers, and recruitment ads. This media often portrays a message, showing that you can do something to stop the loss of life, as the picture portrays. Yet propaganda did not stop there; if the message weren't about dire circumstances, it would depict tales of heroism and romance with war.  Canada did not shy from its use of propaganda as "they would use unit diaries and twist the stories in them to heroic tales of triumph”.  There are even examples of propaganda posters in Canada that described German soldiers shooting babies to create hate against Germany and produce a surge in recruitment applications. It is this type of lying and over-exaggeration that shows how dark Canadian officials were willing to go to create hatred towards the enemy and increase applicants to the Canadian Armed Forces. 


Keshen, Jeff. Propaganda and censorship during Canada's Great War. University of Alberta, 1996.

Artifact 7 Contributions Off the Battlefield