On July 28, 1914, the world saw the start of a terrible war that would last four long years. This war would change the world forever as this type of global conflict had never been seen before. New strategies and technologies used during the war changed modern combat forever. That war that changed so much of the world is called the Great War. World War One involved over thirty nations, with battles being fought all across Europe that claimed the lives of nine million soldiers and six million civilians. On August 4, 1914, Canada joined the war as the Canadian Governor General declared war on Germany. This war would then claim the lives of 66,000 Canadians and injure an additional 172,000.
Canada's participation during World War One saw 424,000 brave Canadians head overseas to fight against the Central Powers. Canadian soldiers would see heavy fighting immediately as they were thrown into battle, often without the proper equipment. Within a short time period of fighting, Canadian soldiers soon began to earn respect from their fellow allies and enemies. This was all due to the sheer determination and will Canadian soldiers possessed, as they took part in major key battles such as the battle of Vimy Ridge and the battle of Passchendaele. It's through these key victories we learn of the heroics Canadian soldiers had and where we witness how vital Canada's contribution was during the Great War.
However, this exhibit will not just explore the positive contributions we have learned from history. It will also explore Canadian soldiers' contributions, which show the darker side of history that is unknown to many. Canadian soldiers may have been respected at first on the battlefield of their enemies, but as the war raged on, this respect turned to fear. Canada's soldiers soon began to be the most feared during the war, but this was not because of their will. It all has to do with their actions.