Artefact 5: Army convoys roll into Montreal after Trudeau enacts the War Measures Act


Pritchard , Garth. An army convoy rolls into Montreal along University St. during the October Crisis of 1970. History Collection. Montreal Gazette, 2017.


As the War measures Act was invoked, it called for the presence of the Canadian Armed Forces to protect Montreal from further terrorist attacks by the FLQ. This strong response from the government provided the impression that they would not let any such violence occur on Canadian soil. As the military began to make its way into the heart of Montreal, it had become clear that PM Trudeau was finally beginning to take action against the Quebec nationalists that had kidnapped two government officials in short order. However, the sight of a military caravan on the streets of Montreal left citizens uneasy about the situation. Not only were their civil liberties suspended but the military arriving left many with a feeling of uncertainty. However, the military were there as a form of support to local police who were already handling the situation. Though it can be understood that seeing military presence could be quite distressing for those inhabiting the city.


Munroe, H.D. 2009. “The October Crisis Revisited: Counterterrorism as Strategic Choice, Political Result, and Organizational Practice.” Terrorism and Political Violence 21 (2): 288-305.