Artefact 6: "Canada: "This Very Sorry Moment'." Article From Time Magazine
“Canada: ‘This Very Sorry Moment’’.’” TIME Magazine 96, no. 17 (October 26, 1970): 33–34.
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Though the FLQ crisis was only a national incident, and the federal government was able to solve the crisis without intervention from other states, there were a large number of international eyes on the incident due to how it could have impacted other countries if it had gone differently. Notably, Spain and Great Britain had a vested interest in how Canada handled the FLQ crisis as both countries also had regions that had large separatist movements (Northern Ireland and Catalan respectively) so both supported Canada's decision to use the War Measures Act. The United States of America also had a vested interest in seeing Canada succeed against the FLQ, as seen in Artefact 3 the FLQ drew heavily upon Marxist ideologies in their goals and beliefs. This not only made the FLQ a threat to Canadian and American national security but also an ideological threat as during this period the Cold War between the USA and the USSR was in full force, so preventing the spread of the FLQ’s Marxist ideals led to the USA supporting Canada’s use of the War Measures Act as a necessary precaution.
Tetley, William. The October Crisis, 1970 : An Insider’s View. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007.