Artifact 5 : Is a United Quebec to Rule All Canada ?
Citation :
The Citizens’ Union Committee. “Is a United Quebec to Rule All Canada ?”. The Kemptville Advance. December 13, 2017. From The North Greenville Times.
Label :
In the context of the election, a number of propaganda pieces denigrating Quebec were published to assist the Borden Union Government because the majority of the opposition was composed of French Canadians. In addition to the Conscription problem, the question of the implementation of bilingual schools was a contentious issue. This artifact, created by the Citizens’ Union Committee and published in the Weekly Advance journal, depicted French Canadians as trying to take over Canada and erase British heritage and culture. Moreover, because of their belief that the war had nothing to do with them, French Canadians were referred to as “deserters”. In a period of war, they were perceived as a threat that had to be defeated to protect a divided Canada. It illustrates the way tensions were raised by the war, which was not only taking place overseas but was also very present in Canada. British Canadians did not consider Quebec to be a part of Canada but rather as an adversary to their ideal vision of the country.
Bibliography :
Shanahan, David. “Remembering 1917.” Time to Remember Once Again, North Greenville Times. November 9, 2023.,Laurier%2C%20was%20invited%20by%20the