Article #1: The Passengers
Citation: Fonds, James. Passengers aboard the SS Komagata Maru in 1914. Photograph. City of Vancouver Archives, AM 15984-:CVA 7-122.
This image captures the Komagata Maru in all its glory, making the Indians on board a spectacle to be witnessed and with the passengers looking at the photographer, they seem to be unaware of the battle they are about to face. The fight for the right to live in a country they have never set foot on will not be an easy one, and unbeknownst to them, only a handful of their fellow passengers would get to live the dream of living in Canada and be allowed entry. This image is more than just a captured moment in time, it serves as a constant reminder of the battles marginalized communities had to face in order to just be granted basic human rights. With all odds against the passengers of the Komagata Maru, they managed to fight back and make their voices heard against a government that only desired immigrants fit to their Eurocentric standards.
Bibliography: IWM WEBSITE. “The Tragic Journey of the Komagata Maru,” n.d.