Artefact 4 : The Indian Act
Citation :
Collection search - can I try walking now!. Library and Archives Canada. (1968, August).
The Indian Act was a factor of residential schools. It allowed the Political Party in power to gain control over all aspects of Indigenous peoples’ lives (Bartlett, 1978). The Indian Act’s aim was also to forcefully assimilate the Indigenous community into the dominant non-Indigenous community. While the kids were facing emotional and physical abuse in residential schools, their parents were also facing abuse through the Indian Act. The image above does an excellent job at explaining residential schools and the Indian Act because it shows that the Indigenous people had no freedom or control over their lives. The kids in residential schools had to follow their teachers' instructions. These teachers took away their freedom.
Bibliography :
Bartlett, R. H. (1978). The indian act of canada. Buffalo Law Review, 27(4),581-616.